निलंबन = SUSPENSIONउदाहरण : चित्र लगाने की छोटी सी निलंबन समारोह हुआ।
Usage : there was a small ceremony for the hanging of the portrait
Usage : there was a small ceremony for the hanging of the portrait
(Noun) +21
निलंबन = SUSPENDUsage : the secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them
(Verb) +5
निलंबन आदेश = SUSPENSION ORDERउदाहरण : कंपनी को सुरक्षा नियमों के उल्लंघन के कारण निलंबन आदेश मिला।
Usage : The company received a suspension order due to violations of safety regulations.
Usage : The company received a suspension order due to violations of safety regulations.
(noun) +1
निलंबन बिंदु = SUSPENSION POINTउदाहरण : पुस्तक एक रोमांचक निलंबन बिंदु के साथ समाप्त हुई, पाठकों को और भी चाहिए।
Usage : The book ended with a suspenseful suspension point, leaving the readers wanting more.
Usage : The book ended with a suspenseful suspension point, leaving the readers wanting more.
(noun) +2